Wednesday, June 11, 2008

steak tip

yesterday i had one of those breakthrough runs where i felt like i could have finished a whole marathon at pace... what caused this endorphin inducing run?

my previous night's meal. steak.

i forgot the best secret to having an amazing workout the next day was eating some red meat. i do not mean an excessive 12 to 16 ouncer, but 6 to 8. i completely forgot about protein loading. i used this trick the day before every major event during the two previous years, but not having competed in anything major since last year's Hamptons Marathon, I forgot about this beautiful trick.

if you want to try this here is what i recommend to eat 18 - 24 hours before your major workout:
- 6 to 10 ounces of steak
- mixed green salad
- carbs and/or starches (i recommend some fresh bread or mashed potatoes)
- glass of red wine
- fresh fruit for dessert

the more ounces of meat that you consume, the more time you should give for your body to process the meat. you don't want this large meal to still be weighing you down when you actually go to do your workout.

try it. i swear it works.