Thursday, June 26, 2008

series reviews

these are the series that i got into over the past year, and some that i recently got caught up on:

flight of the concords
- incredibly funny.

dexter (1, 2)
- thank you anna kate for introducing me to this absurdly addictive show. both seasons one and two are great.

mad men
- disappointing at best... not worth watching for a clever line every 15 minutes. here, i'll summarize the whole series for you... secretaries used to be sluts, guys in advertising used to cheat a lot, annnnd people were, on average, very conservative in thought.

in treatment
- at the beginning this show was extremely addictive, but i found the story got weaker as the season progressed, and towards the end it became quite predictable.

- always entertaining and hilarious.

real time with bill maher
- although i sometimes disagree with his extreme liberalism, he at least isn't afraid to cross the line and make his guests uncomfortable. he does bring up many valid issues that are normally crossing my mind with current events too.

curb your enthusiasm
- larry david's awkward situations always crack me up.

weeds (seasons 1, 2, 3)
- well-written comedy.

real sports with bryant gumbel
- i'm not a huge sports fan (the sports i participate in aren't very tv friendly), but this show is the 60 minutes of sports, and i loved it. the stories they covered, regardless of the sport, always held my attention.

john adams
- started out really interesting and insightful, but got a bit dry towards the end.

i didn't have hbo until i was living in pratt dorms this past year, where it comes standard. it is the most addicting, and best written, set of channels that i have experienced.

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