Friday, December 19, 2008

ceos need to bail

since bush has approved the $17.8 billion bailout for the big three, the ceos and upper management should step down.

will they?

no. they are fucking selfish money voids who take no responsibility for their actions.

they allowed their failing business models to continue on a path of instant gratification and destruction. they catered to a careless society instead of helping shape a cleaner future. our government made no stipulations in the handout to these, yacht-owning, pan handlers.

these guys are criminals. they are bad people. burn them like they are burning the taxpayers.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


upon completing the most work-intensive 3 1/2 months of my life, i find myself sitting here thinking, 'where the fuck did that time go?'

it went to work.

not only were the past few months the best of my life, but also the most rewarding, challenging, and fulfilling. the people i have met during my short stint at cp+b, and in boulder, are by far some of the most legit i have ever encountered.

crispin, as a whole, blew my mind daily. a company built on the work ethic of over achievers and conceptual revolutionaries, it is no surprise why the agency wins awards year after year, and continues to produce entertaining work for its clients that sells.

between the hours i spent at cp+b, and qualifying for boston, i can honestly say i did my best and competed to my full potential.

as far as a next step, it seems to be pratt (though the 17 hour course load will seem like a sad joke when compared to a seventy-hour work week)... game on.

and thank you cp+b. you define 'good people.'

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

best comparison

In a NYT review of Aston Martin's new DBS ($270,000) the author compared it to the Ferrari 599 GTB...

"Such fantastical comparisons tend to embarrass me anyway; it’s like asking which superhero would make the best and fastest sushi chef. (My money’s on Aquaman.)"

I'm not really in to cars, but I do love the thought of a semi-cannibalistic Aquaman chef... 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


it wouldn't be so awesome if they weren't eating big bird.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008


wait... since when did cartoon network stop playing cartoons and start playing spiderman? what the fuck? are they going the way of mtv and turning upon their network name?


Saturday, November 22, 2008


my new balance 903s are here to finally replace my fucking terrible nike zooms, which caused way more problems then they were worth.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


check the site.

- pyxx
- photos
- sexy typography
- resume

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

business email

my business email is now:

send any inquiries there.

Monday, November 17, 2008

update updated

redundant? no. i'm updating you that the update of is getting close to being complete. the new site is not posted yet. it will not go up until i finish tweaking and resizing all the remaining content.

there will be new photos, new ad work, and the functionality of the site has been reworked. i have also downsized the frame so you fuckups with small monitors and retarded resolutions can clearly see it. yeah. i'm talkin to you random grandmother in milwaukee who clicked this link by mistake.

the site will be up fo sho after this week, if not sooner.
expect fireworks and random monitor explosions.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

obama's market effect

e*trade takes a look at what might be obama's plan of action upon entering the white house, and how this may effect your portfolio.

(two-thirds of the way down it even suggests what stocks may begin to benefit in the current economy/ political environment)

Monday, November 10, 2008

responsibility. - Customer Review
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Accurate two out of two pregnancies, February 20, 2008
By annakate
They are so inexpensive, I use one of these every time I wonder if I could possibly be pregnant. If I want to go out for some drinks, I like to make sure I'm not pregnant beforehand, I'll take a test. It's very easy to use (could be a smidge more messy than the super fancy test, like the $15 versions, because you have to pee in a cup rather than directly on the stick- but I've never had a problem). I've never had a false positive, but I have had two true positives- once with my first baby, and once, just recently, with my current pregnancy. When you can buy 50 of them for the price of 1 or 2 EPTs, why bother?!?!? It's not like you'll never have a late period again!

niiiiiiiiice. anna kate claims she didn't post this. i 10% believe her.

true link.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

reformat/ convenient construction

november brings change. i will be reformatting my site (who cares about some dude headed to the white house? he won't be taking effect until january!).

i will not be posting the new version for about a month. when it's complete, i am giving you fair warning, it might just blow your mind. so be careful in the coming weeks. stay calm. stay alert. the update is arriving soon.

hopefully i can catch a free sunday or two and crank this shit sooner then later.

how to remove your own stitches

step 1: make sure wound is healed.

step 2: place hot (sanitary) rag on area that stitches shall be removed for about ten minutes (or run your hand under the faucet for less then a minute due to lack of patience. done.)

step 3: cut stitches, away from the knot, with nail clippers.

step 4: use tweezers to grab just under the knot. slide the stitch out.

step 5: clean wound.

step 6: place sponge bob band-aid on, almost healed, booboo.

the end.

ps - if you have the time, or money, to go to the doctor to get two stitches removed, by all means, go for it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

officially accepted to boston

just got the official acceptance of my entry for the 2009 Boston Marathon.

fucking game on.

mtn bike

is complete.

though it still can't touch my raleigh, it's a great bike for boulder.

it took some fixing, but it's finally finished.

Monday, November 3, 2008

why conservatives are douchebags

" Complaints have surfaced in predominantly African-American neighborhoods of Philadelphia where fliers have circulated, warning voters they could be arrested at the polls if they had unpaid parking tickets or if they had criminal convictions.

Over the weekend in Virginia, bogus fliers with an authentic-looking commonwealth seal said fears of high voter turnout had prompted election officials to hold two elections — one on Tuesday for Republicans and another on Wednesday for Democrats."

if something isn't turning out your way, it doesn't mean you should cheat to tip the scales - especially coming from conservatives whose morals are set in the 'good' ways of christianity.

it's sad how many of these people think of themselves as just, yet hold a double standard to the rest of the world. they can not except their defeat, or that people want social change. do they not remember why this happening? this movement has been caused by putting that grade-a fuckup, w, in office. he was the one who so heavily contributed to placing our nation in this situation (where electing any democrat looks so appealing).

stop your cheap tricks you conservative douchebags. it is not 1095 ce. the christian crusades are over. stop justifying your backwards, outdated, ideals that are selected to fit any situation that benefits you from a 2000+ year old book of distortions and hallucinations of what 'might' have happened.

this country could use a huge dose of socialism. where has capitalism gotten us? fat. dumb. choking on our air. a select few obscenely wealthy. sweet job republicans. keep that american dream alive.

read the article that started this rant.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

next step

this one is not coming tomorrow... or next month... maybe next year...

i said that if i could qualify for boston, then i could run an ironman. i did a half distance a year and a half ago, but wanted to make sure i would be able to handle the marathon portion on the end of the full race.

i do not naturally run a 7:15 for twenty-six miles. it took eight months of training and focus, but i knew if i could get my time down from my previous 7:59 miles, that i would then be able to stick to an ironman plan.

i will be running boston this coming spring. then, pending work/ school situation, i will either convert my training back to multi-sport, and do an ironman winter 2009 (in the south), or continue on with marathon training, do nyc, and then train for an ironman 2010.

regardless, this is the tri-bike i will buy and race with.

the cervelo p3 carbon... it costs $3000+. thus why i need a job before i get into this business. my raleigh grad prix just won't cut it anymore.

yes, i do realize i could buy a mediocre used car for that price, but what's the accomplishment in that?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


all the people in that pizza hut commercial who claim the pasta tastes 'exactly like nyc restaurant quality' are fucking homeless people. there is no way that anyone but an actor, or hobo, would agree to utter that statement in nyc.

...maybe tourist.

......maybe anti-foodie.

.............wait... maybe vegetarian.

Monday, October 27, 2008


peanut butter + nutrigrain bar = instant pb+j

favorite quarter

i looked through all fifty...
the best, by far, is Hawaii's.

butter pear

a spanish nickname for the avocado.

i love it. them. delicious.

"Mr. President, Let’s Talk About Food"

great post on food policy and its effects on our economic security.

Mr. President, Let’s Talk About Food
Author Michael Pollan, whose best-selling books have prompted readers to think differently about food, is now asking the next president to rethink the nation’s food policies.

Author Michael Pollan (Alia Malley)

Mr. Pollan, whose most recent book is “In Defense of Food,” started the conversation in an article earlier this month in The New York Times Magazine in an open letter to the next “Farmer in Chief.”

He had more to say recently on WNYC’s Leonard Lopate show, where he talked about how food is closely tied with some of the biggest political issues of the day, even though it’s not widely discussed.

“It’s true that neither candidate has talked about food policy very much,” Mr. Pollan said. “Some of the issues they have talked about — energy independence, climate change and the health care crisis — I think they will find, as soon as they get into office, that you can’t deal with any of those three problems without dealing with the food system.”

Mr. Pollan notes that food is a bipartisan issue, and that both parties have dismal track records on agricultural policy. Food, he argues, is the ultimate “solar” product, but the current food system, with its focus on the monocultures of soy, wheat and corn, is heavily dependent on natural gas and oil to make fertilizers and pesticides as well as to import and transport food.

One of Mr. Pollan’s concerns is that national policies subsidize the least healthful calories that we eat. He notes that the “building blocks” of fast food are soy and corn, used to make hydrogenated soy oil, the protein and starch in cattle and chicken feed, and high-fructose corn syrup used in sodas and sweets.

“That’s what we’ve been heavily subsidizing, encouraging farmers to grow more of, and that’s what makes fast food so cheap,” he said. “Meanwhile over in the produce section, the head of broccoli costs more than a fast-food hamburger. Why is that? We do very little to encourage farmers to grow what are called specialty crops, which is actual food you can eat. We need to level the playing field between the unhealthy and healthy calories.”

He has also called for a new definition of food.

“What if we had a definition of food that said a food is something that doesn’t just have calories but has a certain amount of nutrients and micronutrients?” he asks. “If your product did not reach a certain threshold of nutrients per calorie, it’s just not food. We’re not even going to call it junk food. We’ll call it junk.”

It’s always a pleasure to hear Mr. Pollan’s sensible take on one of the most important financial and public health issues this country faces. I urge you to listen here to the full 20-minute interview on the WNYC Web site.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

incredible sunset

my badass saturday was topped off with this sunset, followed by other questionable choices.

i stood in a grocery store parking lot for the better part of a half hour, staring and shooting.

i live an amazing life.

Friday, October 24, 2008

buying shit. saving america.

yes. i will be single-handedly saving the american economy this weekend. win. win.

- new balance 903s
- trail running shoes

mtn bike upgrade:
- rear rim/ tire
- bike helmet
- longer seat stem
- black electrical tape
- black acrylic paint
- xacto knife
- paint brush

after a brief reconstruction, my doomsday mountain-crusher* will be completed.

*pictures (and injuries) soon to follow.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

roughing a plan

since recently qualifying for boston i have been doing some soul searching, self-inflection, and pondering of where to take my training next. obviously, boston won't be happening until spring, but do i set a more difficult goal, such as breaking three-hours or back off a bit to a 7:30 pace?

it comes down to a matter of higher risk of injury vs. personal accomplishment.

i'm still torn on the decision (it's only been three days of thinking about it, but normally shit is pretty black or white with me). i do plan to pursue taking down an ironman in the next year or two, pending location and work situation. an injury would be extremely inconvenient and counterproductive.

for now, all attention will be turned to boston and determining what time to aim for. yes. i do know boston is much harder then cbus, and has notoriously destructive hills towards the end. no reason to accept defeat before the race even starts though.

game on.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

honey mustard chicken recipe you can too!

after eating a semi-delicious sandwich at pj's last sunday (i was still hungry from the marathon. it was probably really gross and i was just delirious.) i came to the realization that i fucking love honey mustard.

inspired by my rediscovery, i began to search for a recipe to grill up monday night. most recipes over complicate. same case here. i don't have the time or money to buy fifteen ingredients when the recipe really just needs three or four. this also goes back to the cooking logic i learned in parma of simplify, use less, and cook poor.

i found a ratio recipe that followed those guidelines exactly:

1/3 butter (i used whipped for a creamier taste)
1/3 mustard (i bought a course-ground dijon)
1/3 honey (i used a local producer, $2.20 a bottle!)

if you use the 1/3 ratio to 1/3 cups, 1 cup will cover 1lb of chicken, though i like to make extra because i like my shit saucy.

i marinated the chicken in a light coating of kalamata olive oil, sea salt, and fresh ground pepper. i always throw in some paprika for good measure.

start the chicken on the grill. when the first side is beginning to look done, flip it and the spread the honey mustard mixture upon that cooked side. then once the other side looks close to done, do the same. re-marinate the first side with the hm. close the grill, give it a minute to get sexy. plate and serve. or refrigerate. or freeze.

mother also recommended that next time i try adding some minced garlic to the mix.

simple. easy. cheap.

sony high def

this site is sick....

watch the high def promo videos.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

poor phrasing

i can not stand when restaurants/ fast food places/ any eating establishment describes their portion size as a 'generous helping'. the connotation i gather from the phrase is that i am either too greedy in how much i would serve myself or that really they are just trying to justify an average amount of food served.

an example (found while researching for a work assignment) -
subway's description of their meatball marinara:

"Meatball Marinara. A generous helping of Italian-style meatballs bathed in Subway’s own tangy marinara sauce (our founder’s mom’s secret recipe) served hot with your choice of fresh vegetables and condiments on freshly baked bread. Mangia!"

first of all, subway's meatballs are the furthest thing ever produced by any italian. ever. second, the credibility of the founder's mother is greatly in question for letting her son serve such cheap excuses for 'fresh subs'. third, the bread. soggy and foul.

pay more. go somewhere that they don't discuss how 'generous' they are to give you some shitty mixed-meat, in a processed sauce, on a carb-counters bun. fuck that.

injury of stupidity

once upon a time, i was carving a turkey-pumpkin (kill two holidays with one cucurbita), and decided to get aggressive with the details. i thought it would be a great idea to thin out the wing portion of my turkey by using the terribly dull kroger paring knife.

i held the vibrant orange chunk, which had been purposely separated, in my left hand. i began to run the paring knife, in my right, just below the soft inner-skin of the pumpkin. the knife caught, then shot through the remainder of the wing. the blade continued into my hand, slicing the skin, and grazing the muscle. this caused an uncomfortable amount of blood to flow.

two stitches later...

here life lessons i should have remembered from cub scouts:
1. never cut towards yourself
2. never use a dull knife
3. apply pressure to wounds
4. never carve pumpkins ten hours before a marathon
5. always make sure you have at least one cromp on the scene so they can save your ass, call 9-1-1, and take you to the hospital to get repaired

Monday, October 20, 2008

old news

common's finding forever is badass.

great beer is delicious.
(taking two-weeks off from drinking for race prep brings quite the refreshing perspective to downing some of one's favorite brew)

6am flights are overly ambitious and should only be taken when absolutely necessary.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

boston qualifier

just ran the c-bus marathon with a time of 3:09:15 (7:14 pace).

here's the training plan i made up to accomplish this (this plan is a combination of my knowledge and experience of triathlon cross-training and reading a ton of marathon training plans):

sun - off
mon - (90 - 100 min) med pace
tues - (50 - 60 min) strength
wed - (50 min) tempo
thurs - (30 and 30 cycling and pushup regiment)
fri - (30 - 40 min) strength
sat - (120 - 160 min) med-slow run

when starting off, cut all the run times in half, and then increase them according to the time until your marathon.

tuesday's strength training session is focused on upper-body with low weight and high reps. also a set or two of light leg lifts.

thursday's strength workout is leg and core focused.

let me know if there are any further questions.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

stocked and locked

my mother is the best mother of all mothers ever to be a mother.

she stocked the fridge, for my return to ohio, with:
- prosciutto di parma
- kalamatta olives
- parmesan reggiano
- bacon-wrapped filet mignon


Religulous and W.

Religulous was a great movie. 'blasphemy' has never been presented in such a inquisitive and humorous way. bill maher questions the purists of a few of the major religios from orthodox jews to baptist christians to muslim anti-extremists. he challenges the heart and souls of these religions in a succinct and witty documentary-esk format.

i recommend it for anyone who has ever doubted organized religion.

W. was a bit boring. since the conversations were all 'based on' real life, most could have been imagined by the average person after just watching the nightly news. the movie would have been much better if it had focused on the beginnings of bush's life, before he enter the national spotlight. half the movie did take place in the past, but there was no real take away from it.

watch it if you feel the urge, but i'm sure there are much better documentaries or books that cover more of the unknown's of his life.

the movies do pair well. while Religulous focuses on how religion has driven mankind into such conflict, W. then gives a shining example of a mind misled by its 'calling from god.'

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

palin meltdown!

... it's coming.

both spears and palin have a folksy tone to their speech...
both are/ were under extreme pressure...
both have/ had pretty hair (?)...

britney melted down.

how long will it take before sarah palin follows suit if voted in as our country's vp?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

one flag

The human heart's main function is to revitalize the blood by pumping it through the lungs and the rest of the body. The refreshed blood keeps the body living.

The same can be said about the heart of design. Many claim there is no such thing as an original idea, and while this may be true, new perspectives and interpretations of the past bring forth the cutting edge of today. The creative mind keeps that pulse alive.

moonlit skies

a stressful day is best broken by an intense run.

i was very lucky that tonight happened to be lit with a full-moon.

if you ever get a chance to run under the dimmed bulb, while it casts an erie glow on a bracing fall night, do it. the adrenaline and endorphins kick in at a higher rate when all you can make out is the silhouette of the path and each gasp of air stings the lungs.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

pork barrel

(my morning warmup at work)

market trends

the market reflects the inverse trend of how fucking sweet my life is.

(the graph has been flipped for you... so my life's quality isn't the inverse of the already inverted visual... life is great.)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

needed: new approach

both candidates talk of how, on some level, every american needs healthcare. how they accomplish that is a bit different. neither one is addressing the issue of prevention.

america severely needs to change from a society based on fast food convenience and filth to one that has an ounce of health-conscience decision making.

eat a carrot instead of some french fries. scratch that... just don't XL the fries. won't a medium do? get the people to start making some of their own food. why do you think europeans are so much healthier and happier then us? they go to mc donald's once a month, if that. to them it is an american novelty - a summarization of our gluttonous culture.

strip the immoderate accessibility from the fast food market. stop cutting children's phys-ed classes. start providing introductions to alternative sports to gain a greater interest in physical activity. kids should not be limited to just basketball, football and dodgeball during their awkward years.

diversify. think back to simpler times. kill the clutter and take a moment to focus on what is being consumed. the amount of chemicals in even the 'cleanest' of foods is baffling.

... or we can continue on our path of disgusting over-consumption and pay ridiculous premiums for healthcare.

Monday, October 6, 2008

once upon a gus chiggins

when i was getting the illegal version of microsoft office, i decided i didn't want to register with my real name (surprise?)... instead i rolled with 'Gus Chiggins.' today i got entourage from work on my computer (because my illegal failed), and the name all emails go to and leave from is, you guessed it, Gus Chiggins.

The last name is Chiggins!

C – h – I – gg ins. Chiiiigins. And I thought my hearing was bad.

go watch it if you dropped the fucking ball and have no clue what i'm talking about.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

portfolio update

i just added to the 'chelsea smile' section in the portfolio.
check it out.
check them out.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

invest in


yesterday i bought a Zwilling Pro S 8" Chef's Knife. the difference between this blade and the fifteen-dollar piece of trash i was using is ridiculous. think go-cart upgraded to ferrari.

put your money where your knife is. the market is fucked anyway.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

jetpack crossing of the english channel

"How best to cross the English Channel

Despite regular passenger-ferry crossings, a tunnel rail link and numerous commercial flights, some people choose to traverse the English Channel under their own steam. Planes can cross the water in the blink of an eye but both the jetpack and water skis will beat Le Shuttle, which will whisk you and your car under the Channel in 35 minutes. A pricey sea-going car may prove useful for the onward journey; if you have time and energy try rowing or swimming. The pedal-powered miniature airship is not recommended: on Sunday September 28th, just two days after a sucessful jetpack crossing, a Frenchman in a tiny Zeppelin only made it half-way, hampered by strong winds."

- The Economist

chelsea smile album design

got a free minte yesterday to finally get the album work done for chelsea smile. best of luck with the release.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008


this may just interest runners.

training peak

the c-bus marathon is now three weeks away.

yesterday i ran my peak training run of 23-miles at a 7:45 pace (2:59). though this is :30 slower then my needed race pace, i think it is pretty on point considering this run was done at altitude - and after a heavy night of drinking - and on 5 hours of sleep.

game on marathon.

Monday, September 22, 2008

check the menu

for dinner this evening i made three different types of pizza - all with my homemade dough and sauces:

- marinara, mozzarella, basil

- caramelized onions, center cut bacon, ricotta, and a balsamic reduction

- basil pesto, ricotta, mozzarella

the grill is out of propane, so these pizzas were lacking in the smokey department. sad? yes. still delicious? fuck yea.

(no pics on these as i have already done multiples shoots on my pizzas. i think everyone gets the point on at least the visual aesthetic of these rustic creations)

all paired with a bottle of barolo serralunga '03. incredible is an understatement.

also anna kate was here to enjoy the fine, pinkies up, cuisine. it has been too long.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


turns out my roommate grew up with him.

if you have no idea who that is, check these tracks out:

7L & Esoteric - Word Association (remix)

7L & Esoteric - Incredible Hulk Rap

7L & Esoteric - Battlefield

now you know.

alti long run

just finished a two hour long run down to baseline lake.

i didn't really feel altitude until an hour and half in, though i knew something was up because i hadn't recovered as well as i normally would from my half hour run yesterday.

i literally went from striding to a dead standstill from the nausea. i was able to get back into a decent jog for the last half hour back to my house after a few minutes.

when i took that short break i stopped at a gas station to get a vitamin water. the clerk, dead serious, looked at me (fuel belt in hand, drenched in sweat) and asked, "running?"

i was so stunned with his blunt stupidity i couldn't even come up with a witty remark such as 'nope just wrestled a bear' or some inappropriate comment about his mother.

Friday, September 19, 2008

first impression

boulder is badass.

after my first thirty-minute acclimation run, and looking at maps of the area, i have realized boulder is one massive running trail.

the produce is also great, but is at nyc prices. kinda worth it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

mizuno 15-miler results

Mizuno Columbus 15 Miler
7:15 pace
1st in age group
8th overall

at the start of the race it was over 80 and humid. miserable conditions. pacing was a bit more of a strain. other then that, a decent race.

going amish

wind storms decide to rampage new albany yesterday.

it is estimated that we won't have electricity for five days... though i leave for boulder in three...

below is one of the pear trees in front of my house that got ripped in half. the camera phone photo doesn't really do the thirty-foot tree justice.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


it is much better to sweat garlic then curry when running.

if you have no clue what i am talking about do a little science experiment. cook a recipe with a ton of chopped garlic, and on a separate occasion, a dish with heavy amounts of curry that requires hand mixing. you will 100% understand what i mean.

just throwin it out there.

Friday, September 12, 2008

sesame cones with tuna tar tar

parents were having a food and wine tasting... i was asked to do the presentation on the sesame cone with tuna tartare.

i also aided in the cone prep work, just not cutting up the, incredible, sushi grade tuna. it beat out the other fifteen dishes of the night. kinda good at what i do.

chelsea smile poster iii

check them out.
check me out.

gallery logos

my uncle, tommy koulermos, has opened an art gallery down near jacksonville, florida. he asked me to do a logo.

the name is 'seaside gallery' and they will be selling a range of art, from the cheap to medium price. they are there to fill the niche that the retired people of the area crave.

my executions:


i'm running the mizuno 15-miler.

i'm pumped.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

chelsea smile promo posters

knocked these out yesterday for my buddies in chelsea smile.

all the work for them is now under my graphic design portfolio on my site.

a humorous past (i)

ccad sophmore year
the class: illustration methods
professor: leah wong
the assignment: illustrate an overly-expressive person

i chose to draw my younger brother nick koulermos. the photoshopped reference photo (right) for this slays me. obviously the expression was 'surprised.'

a humorous past (ii)

ccad freshman year
the class: 3-D design
professor: todd
the assignment: create a unique sculpture based off of elements based from a fruit or vegetable.

my first interpretation of the assignment was quite wrong. mr. todd, who didn't like anyone, found new reason to especially hate me. i thought we could take the project in a more 'creative and humorous' direction... mr. todd didn't find my forty sketches (all with the same mindset of the dali-squasha) very funny. at all. quite disgusted as a matter of fact. the final is below the masterpiece.

a humorous past (iii)

parma, italy... anna kate was in boulder... but the unicorn was born in italy.
the class:y
professor: knowledge
the assignment: brand the unicorn that had just been found near florence.

a humorous past (iv)

pratt junior year
the class: 2-D Method (?)
professor: joe roberts
the assignment: create a visual for the song 'The Hand of the Almighty (aka God Will Fuck You Up).'

a humorous past (v)

ccad sophmore year
the class: 2-D Method (?)
professor: mcinturff
the assignment: create a series of four images that exemplified a knowledge in multiple techniques and approaches to 2-d design.

i went with the curb stomp scene from american history x... two of the four didn't turn out so hot, but those aren't shown... the neon 'eat at joe's' just worked on so many levels.

'loose ends'

- rjd2

get it. probably the best album i have ever heard.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

portfolio update

a whole new client has been added under 'graphic design'... the fine cbus band of Chelsea Smile.

check it out.
check them out.

got to.

watch this.

when my itunes shuffle hit this track, it became clear that i needed to go to youtube and post the video.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ricotta and spinach ravioli

yesterday i fought an upward battle of making my own pasta dough. i failed.

so i called up zack koulermos... aka older brother... aka wealth of culinary knowledge... aka badass... to talk over why i fucked up. twice.

my filling of ricotta and spinach was dead on. the dough though gave me a frustrating struggle of epic proportions (plus i'd just finished a ten mile training run). so i lost. chinese takeout won(ish).

but, i said, "fuck you pasta dough." and found another recipe. thomas keller, on zack's recommendation, showed me the way with his simple (AND CORRECTLY PROPORTIONED) dough recipe.

the end product was legit, and is pictured below.

Monday, September 8, 2008

portfolio update

got the chelsea smile logo in the mix, and reworked the root works logo. in other words i updated the 'logos' section.


ak is a badass

yes. my copywriter anna kate. (the state of alaska, though also badass, is not the subject of this post.)

anyway, she got HIRED AT CRISPIN!

yea... that girl that i did my advertising portfolio with is going to be working for the 'most award-winning' agency in the states.

also its badass because her job starts the same day as my internship.

check her out at she might just blow your mind.

my thoughts exactly

Drawing a Bead on the Press, NYT
"Ms. Palin’s prism of God, Alaska and Country, in that order, obscures an irony. When 17-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney’s sister, shows up pregnant, it becomes one more example of permissiveness gone amok. But array those same circumstances over 17-year-old Bristol Palin, and it is received at the convention as one more example of steadfast prolife values."

The article makes many valid negative points, but is also presented in a pretty fair way, discussing her many unbelievable traits as a mom and leader.

Also, think about if Obama had a 17-year-old pregnant daughter and what Fox News would be churning up about America's 'irresponsible urban culture.'

Sunday, September 7, 2008

good movie


pizza, round ii

i reworked minor parts of my recipe. the pizzas turned out much better.

homemade sauce and dough, with mozzarella and basil.

doubts and fears of broken legs

with each step i take further during my training runs, it becomes harder to push out of my mind, 'when will my legs give out?' will it be a sprain? a fracture? a clean break? a car? an ankle? one shin or two?

the list of endless possibilities of injury weigh heavy on my mind. with the increase of speed on my longer runs, i find myself having to ice my minor injuries constantly. waiting, and hoping, that nothing will become too serious... thus forcing me to discontinue my training...

juggling pushing myself in training and preventing injury is becoming quite the interesting act.

i race again this sunday in a 15 miler.

this week will be taken lighter as a semi-taper. hopefully my legs will hold for another six weeks until i get the columbus marathon out of the way, then take a bit of a break from the past seven months of constant training.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

pizza on the grill

i decide to take the next step with my pizzas... not just my own sauce, but make my own dough. then throw it on the grill. 'successful' would be an understatement.

homemade dough, homemade sauce, mozzarella, italian sausage, and fresh basil...

btw - if you don't have the time to make your own dough... which i normally don't, use boboli. it is the best i have found.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

fuck the rnc

at what point did i lose all respect for the republican national convention? i'm not sure if it was before or after the chants coaxed by giuliani of "drill baby, drill!"

okay... i am sure. it was after.

but, whining about 'sexism' with attacks relating to sarah palin is quite the load of shit. fox is the same network that took such issue with hillary clinton's 'woman issues/breakdown' a half year ago. these are the biggest hypocrites that have ever walked the earth, and yet have the nerve to try and point fingers and find fault in everything that the democrats do.

they STILL say obama doesn't have enough experience, though palin only has two years to barack's four. palin was leading in alaska - the whole fucking state is still under a million.

any respect i had for giuliani has gone out the window. i know palin can't be on the offensive this evening because she has to defend her slutty daughter who was taught to use a moose skin condom, but saying obama has no credibility because he chose to work in the inner city instead of on wall street is such a skeezy move.

i hate republicans. fear-mongering douche bags. call me close minded. call me ignorant. maybe my morals are off key, but at least i don't play victim when it just so happens to work for my campaign. i don't base my life, and politics, around a 2000 year old book.

i believe in global warming and climate change. i believe in evolution. i believe people should be treated equally. i know that change is possible for our country, but we have to be truly open to it. the rich shouldn't just be given tax breaks, it's the people who need that money most that should be receiving it. sorry to all you republicans who still think our school systems are so stellar, and that the war was justifiable. you are all fucked in the head.

if obama had a 17 year old daughter who was pregnant, and unwed, all fox news would be spouting is how this is a shining example of the 'urban culture' that does not fully understand the consequences of their actions.

watching the rnc makes me ill. dear god - vote obama. the world can't take another four years of this.

deleted scenes of season iv

the office season iv has some very very good deleted scenes on the dvd... absolutely watch:
- 'Local Ad'
- 'The Deposition'
- 'Night Out'

annnnd pam will be going to pratt, which i didn't know because i was out of the country (nbc's video doesn't work outside the us).

my sandwich

after returning from italy, i put together a sandwich that summarized the regional specialties of parma.

- grilled rosemary chicken
- parmesan reggiano
- arugula
- balsamic vinegar
- ciabatta bread (though i would prefer micca, it is only made in parma. i miss that.)
- kalimata olives (...yes they are greek, but so am i... plus they add an extra kick that makes the sandwich)

served with carrots, a green pepper, cherries, and pomegranite-blueberry juice on ice.

goooood stuff.

Monday, September 1, 2008

songs to run by

add these to your ipod before hitting the street. call the playlist 'best run in a long time', then shuffle up.

Jay-Z - Oh My God
Jay-Z - Kingdom Come
Jedi Mind Tricks - On The Eve Of War feat. Gza
Justice - Phantom
Justice - Phantom pt. II
Killah Priest - I'm Wit That
M.O.P. featuring Busta Rhymes - Ante Up Remix
Metallica - Cyanide (live)
Mobb Deep - Shook Ones
Nas - Black Republicans feat. Jay Z
Nas featuring Kanye West - Still Dreaming
Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow
Run-DMC Featuring Jermaine Dupri - It's Over
The Warriors - And Yet They Say...

check 'em out. if more then one fails you i will be surprised.

alaska is not a good decision

when picking a vp running mate.

Everything up north is saturated with oil money, which can almost guarentee every representivie is doing something illegal or is in some corperation's pocket. Well ok... that does sound like the perfect scenario for a republican canidate...

But, it was just released that Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant. I suppose the only worse option would have been if they had an abortion.

See what happens when you preach the conservative approach of anti-contraception bullshit? Your daughter ends up poppin' one out before she can legally vote.

Keep shooting yourselves in the foot republicans.

ps - just announced on the news today (9/2) that over 26 million in earmarks were awarded to the town, wasilla, that palin was major of... but wait... isn't that in direct conflict with mccain fighting earmarks and wasteful government spending?

Saturday, August 30, 2008


they stopped in dublin today. mom got aggressive and went around 10 in the morning to wait for tickets all day. she is kind of a badass.

their speeches were great. i am looking forward to the debates.

obama, john glenn, biden

biden's speech


takin off